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Fact Finding in Malawi

Wednesday, March 7th, 2012 | Tags: ,

Until now, trips to Malawi to take part in our outreach work have been undertaken by members of the Youth Group and their leaders. However, the work there is a congregational responsibility and so, in June, a group of members of St Andrew’s, accompanied by Martin and by Becky Dunphy will undertake the journey as part of a fact-finding exercise. While there, they will meet up with Naomi Dunphy who is approaching the end of her gap year working with the children at the day-care centres which the congregation supports. We look forward to hearing all about their first-hand experiences and the information which they will bring back to add another dimension to the work in Malawi. We think of them sympathetically as they endure all the necessary injections for travel to that part of the world.

We’re Back Home!

Sunday, November 8th, 2009 | Tags:

Sunday 1st November was a red-letter day for St Andrew’s – after a year of being “homeless”, our church buildings were finally ready for us to move back in. Watching the faces of the people as they crossed the threshold and saw the transformations for the first time, the “wow factor” was definitely present! Our morning worship was packed out, with all the new chairs filled. The acoustics of the sanctuary, which were already good before we moved out, have improved even more, and the rousing singing from over 450 voices was a thrill to hear.

It was truly “All Saints Day” for us, and the heartfelt thanks that Martin gave to Ken Miller and his Building Project Team was roundly applauded by everyone present. After some final work in the halls complex, the groups and activities of St Andrew’s will resume in our own premises – and then we have the Christmas season to look forward to!

We thank God for this wonderful resource for our mission and ministry, and look forward to how He will lead us to use them in the years to come.

Barry Woodward is a changed man. After being dependent on heroin for fourteen years and spending a number of terms in prison, Barry had what he describes as ‘an encounter with God’, which resulted in his life being totally transformed. Hear Barry’s story for yourself as he and singer-songwriter Shell Perris share a night with us in the Town Mission auditorium, starting at 7.30pm. Tickets £5 at the door.

Find out more about Barry’s life and work.