Latest News


Wednesday, May 1st, 2013 | Tags:

imageFew of those who were gathered by the harbour on Sunday lunchtime, 5th May 2013, will ever forget what they witnessed in the Baptism of Naomi Dunphy. The water was FREEZING cold but the occasion more than made up for any discomfort felt by those who made their way into the sea! The actual baptism was preceeded by a short service during which Naomi made a short statement of her Christian faith – a copy of which can be found at the bottom of this article. (more…)

Men Enjoying Themselves!

Monday, December 3rd, 2012 | Tags:

Ministry among men is becoming increasingly important at St. Andrew’s Church and events throughout 2012 have been supported by ever greater numbers. The culmination of this will be on 10th December 2012 when over forty men are coming together to enjoy a Christmas dinner and to listen to after-dinner speaker, David Logan from Forfar. David is the minister of St. Margaret’s Church in Forfar but previous to that, served as an inspector with Tayside Police. (more…)

Recovery Cafe

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012 | Tags:

We were  delighted to host what proved to be a highly successful Recovery Cafe on Friday 2nd November 2012.

The event was run jointly by the Scottish Drugs Recovery Consortium and Angus Council’s Alcohol & Drugs Partnership. The gathering was about celebrating the FACT that people DO recover from drug addiction!
