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Family Celebration

Thursday, August 1st, 2013 | Tags:

imageAt St. Andrew’s, we’re always delighted to celebrate Baptism and none the less so when on Sunday 14th July, the children concerned were twins who had come to us through our Holiday Club programme and Messy Church! The children concerned will be starting p3 after the school holidays and their baptism marks a wonderful landmark on their journeys. But so too, for the church, it marks the continuing effectiveness of our outreach programmes. (more…)


Thursday, July 4th, 2013 | Tags:

imageAnyone who knows anything about St. Andrew’s Church will know that, in terms of our community outreach, we have a particular focus on working among those who struggle with addiction problems. This ministry,  which we call Havilah, runs out of our Community Spirit building on Fisheracre, sited a few hundred yards from our main buildings. Just recently, a shop called ‘Misty Heaven’ has opened just yards away. (more…)

Stewardship 2013

Thursday, June 6th, 2013 | Tags:

imageThis, the first week in June 2013, has been a hugely significant one in the life of St Andrew’s Church. We’ve hosted four sessions of our Stewardship 2013 programme during which we’ve sketched out something of our vision for the ways in which we believe God is calling us forward as a congregation. With almost 200 people sharing in these evenings, it’s been a hugely demanding week for our Hospitality Team who have served up four superb two-course meals. If there’s one thing we know how to do well at St Andrew’s, it’s eating together! (more…)