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Sunday Evening Special with Alan Donaldson

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014 | Tags:


Rev. Alan Donaldson, Head of the Baptist Union of Scotland was guest speaker at our Sunday evening service on 21st September. Alan is a very gifted preacher, a man of contrasts who has a rare way with words; funny yet frank, chatty yet challenging, informal yet informative.

He opened his sermon by hilariously describing an experiment involving a man, a garden chair, some helium balloons and some string … (more…)

Looking After Our Children

Monday, August 25th, 2014 | Tags:

brightWhen one reads the statistics concerning the plight of children in the poorest parts of the world, the sense of hopelessness felt can be overwhelming – the scale of the problem far beyond our ability to make a difference. But when you think in terms of the 300 children we care for in our two centres in Malawi, suddenly it becomes more manageable. And all the more so, when we start to think in terms of individual children, we begin to realise that with love and practical compassion, EVERYTHING is possible! (more…)

Glasgow 2014

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014 | Tags:

securedownload (2)For those of us who were in Glasgow during the time of the Commonwealth Games, 2014 will be a year we’ll remember for a long time to come! The atmosphere around the city was wonderful from start to finish, with the people of Glasgow living up to the motto of the games: ‘People make Glasgow.’ But for the St. Andrew’s Church Mission team, it was special for all kinds of other reasons. (more…)