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We’ve Gone Green!

Monday, November 10th, 2014 | Tags:

We’re delighted to announceeco-congregation that following LOTS of hard work – and some real determination from those who were in charge – St. Andrew’s Arbroath has been awarded the status of ‘Eco-Congregation!’ We’ve been granted the award because we have made clear our commitment to the environment – by making our buildings as energy-efficient as possible, by reducing energy consumption and waste and by promoting the ‘green’ agenda to our members. The assessors who visited us were greatly impressed by the progress we’ve made and were full of praise for how well we’ve done with reference to our buildings. (more…)

We will remember them

Sunday, November 9th, 2014 | Tags:

Sunday 10604089_719582781463720_4373711049776700744_o9th November saw us joining with churches across the nation in an Act of Remembrance – all the more special this year with the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of WW1. In what proved to be both a powerful and poignant service, we were delighted to have special representation from the Boys brigade, The local Lifeboat Crew and Major Speedie from 45 Commando,  Royal Marine Condor. (more…)

London Community Gospel Choir!

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014 | Tags:

10620000_693833100705355_8440077065862408813_oWhat a fantastic evening we enjoyed with the London Community Gospel Choir! The volume was turned up almost to max and by the end of the evening, even us staid Scots were on our feet – yes, some were even dancing in the aisles!! That so many were rocked by the concert is thanks to the passion of the musicians and singers of LCGC. They gave everything of themselves and their faith in what they were singing of was clear for all to see. We wish the Choir well and thank them for including Arbroath on their 2014 tour!