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Nathan McConnell

Wednesday, August 19th, 2015 | Tags:

Nathan McConnellWe’re delighted to announce that our guest this coming Sunday evening is to be Nathan McConnell, recently-appointed minister at Downfield Mains in Dundee. Nathan, Courtney and their family have come to minister in Dundee – all the way from the USA! Come along on Sunday night – worship begins at 6.30pm, dinner from 6pm – to hear what has brought them to Scotland and to welcome them to St. Andrew’s.

QA2What a thrill for us all, to welcome the Lord Lieutenant of Angus to present the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service to our Havilah Team! The Church was particularly busy and the rousing reception given to the Havilah volunteers made it very obvious the high regard in which the ministry is held. The Queen’s Award really is the highest honour for a voluntary group to be awarded so, naturally, everyone is delighted!

Mark Fleming

Sunday, May 24th, 2015 | Tags:

mark flemingWhat a brilliant day we had last Sunday, with the visit of Mark Fleming. Mark is a minister in his own right – having led a church in Kilsyth – but is now serving full time with the organisation Sports Chaplaincy UK. Mark heads up the Scottish side of the operation and is doing a fantastic job in building up the ministry. Primarily, his role is to recruit and support a network of chaplains –  people who will go into sports clubs and groups and exercise a ministry of presence, just like workplace chaplains or military chaplains.

But Mark is so good at what he is doing because of his own infectious personality and his love for serving people and sharing his faith. The skills he himself employs as a chaplain are transferrable – all of us learned something about what it is to witness to the love of God in Jesus. Bless you, Mark, and may the ministry continue to prosper under your leadership.